Sport and work injuries
Our physios are skilled in diagnosing physical injuries, and explaining to you exactly what your injury means for you now and in the future. We will devise a ‘rehab’ plan that suits the specific demands of your work or your sport, or both.
Diagnosing the injury
Pain can point to injury or it can be ‘referred’ from another part of your body. Our first job as your physio is to establish what is going on. We will explain to you what your body is doing to protect you, and what you can do to reduce your pain.
We will assess your injury, decide if imaging such as ultrasound, x-ray or CT/MRI is needed to find out more and advise when hands-on treatment or exercises are appropriate.
Your physio will advise what images you need and refer you directly, or work with your doctor to help you access imaging or a specialist opinion.
Modifying your movement
Your physio can help you figure out how to keep working or doing other activities as safely as possible, and when it might be necessary to talk to your doctor about other options such as medication.
Designing your injury rehabilitation program
Ask us to design your rehabilitation program and oversee your progress as you recover from a workplace or sporting injury.
Your rehabilitation plan could include any or all of these:
rest or immobilisation (like a sling or brace or moon boot)
modification of how you move at work or sport
plotting steps to gradually increase activity (work duties, modified training, limited game time etc.)
exercise – a program for you to work on to help optimise your recovery time.
Just as no two bodies are alike, no two exercise programs are the same. We design your individual program to meet your injury needs and to help you achieve your goals of returning to work, sporting competition or independent living.
While you recover, your physio will help you to understand what activities you can safely continue, and can write to your work/school/club to share that information.
If you were injured at work or on the road, you may be trying to navigate the WorkCover or TAC systems. We will help you to understand how it works and accompany you from initial injury and claim, to return to work and beyond. Go to WorkCover and TAC injuries.